On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 5:30 PM, John Maina
<j.maina@ymail.com> wrote:
Brian is not a Kenyan. Why is he representing Kenya? He is malawian and he sits on CCK board. There is nothing to apologise on telling the truth
Hello JM,
1. Since when did it become your job to determine who is Kenyan and who is not?
2. Do you see it like Brian denied you the chance to represent Kenya, or what is the source of your pain?
I personally don't care what Brian's nationality is. I care about his contribution to ICT development in the country, which has been immense. Just FYI, Brian was one of the brains behind KIXP and that is such a BIG stride the country made. Where were the likes of these "two bearded sisters" (JMs - I mean John Maina and John Manthi) then?
PS: At a personal level, I feel that your contribution to this forum has reached it's negative peak (or lowest ebb) and it would really help if you voluntarily unsubscribe. You are no longer adding value to the forum. This applies to the two JMs. We cannot continue to entertain vendetta on this forum.