A free and fair media is a necessary element in any democracy. The press is the watchdog of the government. They ensure that the truth be told. The government should have no power in a democracy to control news outlets. If the bill is signed the government is essentially stealing the voice of the people so they will be able to declare a "state of emergency" when it is convenient for them. Giving the government a gag hold on the media's ability to report the truth. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights written 10 December 1948 contains two articles which are in direct opposition to Article 88

Article 19.

Article 20.

2008/12/15 Moto Baridi <motobaridi@motobaridi.com>
next thing, they'll require ISP's to block sites that include any "offensive" text or image.
Did you just search for "paedophile" in Wikipedia?
"Sorry. The page you requested has been deemed inappropriate by parliament and shall not be displayed. If you have any queries, please contact your MP."
then they'll storm your house and confiscate those Nigerian movies because of that barely-visible 1.2 sec bedroom scene.
this is the first step on the slippery slope towards *gov't-sponsored* net censorship.
unfortunately, even where it has been implemented by people who understand much
more about these things,it has failed miserably in ALL instances.
when will people ever learn from the painful experiences of others (e.g. Australia)??

yours cynically,
[carpe noctem]

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Crystal "Naliaka" Watley
Voices of Africa

"You must be the change you wish to see" - Gandhi