Dear All;


Re: Invitation to attend the Child Internet Safety and Security Awareness Conference


We are pleased to invite you to attend the Conference “Child Internet Security and Safety Awareness”, which will take place at The Hilton Hotel in Nairobi, on 8th December 2009 from 8:00a.m to 4:30p.m.


The conference is organized by the ICWE Africa and The CRADLE – Children’s Foundation, with support of Microsoft. The theme of the conference is “Child Safety in the Internet Age”.


The conference will bring together representatives from the Education sector, NGOs, Law enforcement, Government and Corporate sectors. It will address a wide variety of issues relating to children and young people’s safety online, such as identifying computer crimes against the youngest Internet users, grooming, cyber bullying, child safety and mobile phones, online gaming and Internet addiction.


The aims of the conference are to raise awareness of the new challenges and opportunities in fighting Internet threats and to help share best practices across different sectors. Sessions will be led by recognized experts in the field of child protection.


To register for the conference kindly complete the online application form available at, or contact below.


More information about participation can be obtained from conference secretariat by contacting Terry at or Telephone: +254-20-234 39 60/1.


We look forward to your confirmation.



Terry Njoroge,

Technology Partners Ltd.

P.O. Box 746-00100,

Nairobi, Kenya.


Office: 020 234 3961

Cell: 0724-866771