Dear colleagues, Nominate yourself or someone to participate at the Stockholm Internet Forum (SIF) ---- Hi, Kindly share this to your network. Stockholm Internet Forum (SIF) This year’s Stockholm Internet Forum (SIF), which is the fourth forum in the series, will take place on October 21st and 22nd at Münchenbryggeriet in Stockholm, hosted by Sida. The theme will be a multi-dimensional approach to “access”, with a special emphasis on gender equality issues. Stockholm Internet Forum (SIF) is an international forum for in-depth dialogue and discussions on how a free, open and secure internet promotes human rights and development worldwide. SIF is an invitation-only event. As diversity is important for SIF we give you the possibility to recommend someone with an interest in and knowledge of internet freedom, access and gender quality issues who you believe should be invited. We are looking for participants from all over the world and from any possible interest group, be it industry, civil society, academia, the technical community or governments. Another important aspect is the gender balance. This year we want to continue improving gender equality and have a larger proportion of women participants. When debating development and freedom through digital tools, the global transboundary nature of the technology must be reflected in the participants of the discussion. We therefore especially welcome suggestions for participants from low and middle income countries. Previous years, around half of the participants have come from these countries. This is the ratio that we are aiming for this year as well. To make this possible, the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) will fund travel costs and accommodation for participants from low and middle income countries. A global, inclusive, open and transparent debate is the only way forward. We hope that this is what we together will be able to bring about on 21–22 October 2015 in Stockholm. Please complete the form in the link below. Feel free to recommend yourself! The organisers will evaluate each recommendation and reserve the right to identify potential participants. Recommend participants<> Orawan Raweekoon National Programme Officer Development Cooperation Section (Human Rights and Democracy) Embassy of Sweden 11th Floor , One Pacific Place 140 Sukhumvit Road Bangkok 10110 Tel: +66(0)2 263 7262, +66(0)81 2553694 Fax:+66(0)2 2637255<> Please visit our homepage:<><><>