Happy New Victorious Year 2016! I start by sharing the overflows from the gifts of the Christmas season. Please share with your networks as this may be the giftfor someone else for this new year! https://www.rotary.org/myrotary/en/get-involved/exchange-ideas/peace-fellows... https://herox.com/appsforhumanity Have a blessed day. Regards/Wangari --- Pray God Bless. 2013Wangari circa - "Being of the Light, We are Restored Through Faith in Mind, Body and Spirit; We Manifest The Kingdom of God on Earth". RotaryInternational: 100 Peace Fellowship Scholarships | CoreTech Foundation: Apps for HumanityCompetition PS: Kenya's Dr.Sellah Nasimiyu King'oro of NCIC (National Cohesion and Integration Commission) sponsored by The Rotary Club of Westlands-Nairobi reported at the Rotary Peace Centre on 4th January in Bangkok having cliched one of the 100 competitive scholarships in 2015. Due to the competitive nature of this award, for consideration, applicants in Rotary District 9212 (Kenya, Ethiopia, Eritrea, South Sudan) are favorable with over 8years experience. https://www.rotary.org/myrotary/en/get-involved/exchange-ideas/peace-fellows... PeaceFellowship Application Eachyear, Rotary funds some of the world's most dedicated and brightestprofessionals to study at Rotary Peace Centers. Through training, study, andpractice, Rotary Peace Fellows become leaders and catalysts for peace andconflict resolution; many go on to careers in national governments, NGOs, themilitary, law enforcement, and international organizations like the United Nationsand World Bank."The world is in great need of more peace fellows who canwork hand in hand with governments and communities to counterbalance theoutbreak of war and conflict." – Abu Sufian Taj Elassfia,2011-13 Rotary Peace Fellow https://www.rotary.org/myrotary/en/get-involved/exchange-ideas/peace-fellows... Application process See the steps you need to take tocomplete your application process.Weare now accepting applications for the 2017-18 Rotary Peace Fellowshipsprogram. Follow these steps to ensure that your application receivesconsideration. 1. Review the application instructions and check the eligibilityrequirements and restrictions below before applying. Read the entireapplication before you begin.2. Thoroughly research the curriculum andprograms at each of the Rotary Peace Centers before starting your onlineapplication. You will be asked to rank the centers in order of importance.3. Master's degree applicants: Collectall academic transcripts, test scores, and any other documents required bypreferred universities as noted on the fellowship application. Allsupplementary materials must be in English. Certificate applicants:Academic transcripts or scores are not needed.4. Inform your local Rotarydistrict that you are applying for a peace fellowship, and request aninterview. District endorsement is required to complete the applicationprocess. TIP: Your local Rotary club can help you connect with yourdistrict. Use ClubFinder to locate the club nearest you. Club interviews and endorsements arestrongly encouraged but not required for applicants who have district support.5. Prior to interviews, fill out the applicationform, attach the required supplementary materials (test scores, academic orprofessional recommendations, essays), and submit them to your Rotarydistrict no later than 31 May.6. Complete an interview with districtrepresentatives. Districts must submit endorsed applications to The RotaryFoundation by 1 July.7. Receive notice of selection results inNovember. If you are chosen for a fellowship, you will receive the name of thePeace Center where you will study.8. Apply for admission to the universitywhere you will study. Being chosen for a fellowship does not mean you have beenadmitted to the university.APPLYNOW Eligibilityrequirements TheRotary Peace Fellowship is designed for professionals with work experience ininternational relations or peace and conflict prevention and resolution. Ourfellows are committed to community and international service and the pursuit ofpeace.Applicantsmust also meet the following requirements: - Proficiency in English; proficiency in a second language is strongly recommended - Strong commitment to international understanding and peace as demonstrated through professional and academic achievements and personal or community service - Excellent leadership skills - Master's degree applicants: minimum three years of related full-time work or volunteer experience, bachelor's degree - Certificate applicants: minimum five years of related full-time work or volunteer experience, strong academic background Eligibility restrictions RotaryPeace Fellowships may not be used for doctoral study. And the following peopleare not eligible for the master's degree program: - Active and honorary Rotary members - Employees of a Rotary club or district, Rotary International, or other Rotary entity - Spouses, lineal descendants (children or grandchildren by blood or legal adoption), spouses of lineal descendants, or ancestors (parents or grandparents by blood) of any living person in these categories - Former Rotary members and their relatives as described above (within 36 months of their resignation) Recipientsof Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarships or professional development certificatefellowships must wait three years after completion of the scholarship orfellowship to apply for the master's degree program.RotaryPeace Fellows who have completed the master's degree program must wait fiveyears to apply for the certificate program. ===================================================================================https://herox.com/appsforhumanity CoreTechFoundation: Apps for Humanity Competition Call forSubmissions, Apps for Humanity Competition Hey innovators! Have an idea tosolve a humanitarian issue? Can it be built using our open source tools? Submityour ideas to win $20,000 USD. https://herox.com/appsforhumanity OverviewCoreTech Foundation built an applicationplatform called CORE to help nonprofits, developers, and entrepreneurs buildapplications that easily scale to impact hundreds of millions of lives. Thanksto the open source movement, we're placing traditionally expensive andsophisticated technology in the hands of the nonprofit world so they canimplement virtually any software-driven solution using our scalingplatform. HeroX has an awesome vision for social innovation and theirreach is incredible. Partnering with HeroX allows us to get CORE in the handsof some of the world's smartest people, so we're excited to see amazing ideascome from around the globe. The ProblemWe want to seenonprofits - the organizations that are dedicated to solving the world'spressing problems - create a large scale and lasting impact using technology.1. Technology isexpensive and nonprofits can't afford many existing solutions. 2. Tech companies typically focus their efforts on for-profit organizations. 3. Nonprofits don't know or don't think they need technology to achieveresults.The Challenge BreakthroughWe wantinnovative technology solutions to become commonplace in the nonprofit world,helping to solve issues that affect humanity.DurationThere will be twophases to the challenge: the ideation phase and the implementationphase. The ideation phase will last for three months, fromthe time registration opens until the final winner is announced. Theimplementation phase will last for six months, from the time registrationopens until the final winner is announced.How to Win the ChallengeThe winner mustsubmit an innovative and executable idea that helps solve an important issueaffecting humanity. The winning submission will effectively describe how ituses our CORE software platform to build out the proposed solution, what theidea adds to complement our platform's functionality, and how the idea differsfrom existing solutions aimed at addressing the same problem. NOTE:This competition is equally open to non-developers, who may submit high levelexplanations of how our software can help build out the proposedsolution. The winning ideawill be used to create the second part of the challenge: the implementationphase. The finalist and any other developers are welcome to build out thewinning idea. At that time, contestants will have an opportunity to use theCORE platform. Ultimately, our goal is to have a fully functioning finalproduct that can be deployed for use by relevant nonprofits.the deadline forthe Apps for Humanity Challenge is Feburary 15, 2016