Jane FYI www.eaigf.or.ke <http://www.eaigf.or.ke/> Vincent sent some information on the forum on Sept 1st. Check that out. In regard to the Internet Policy Making in an IG context In my view It would encompass all the issues you mentioned, however policy in the simplest of definitions is a plan of action to achieve a desired outcome therefore a separation and possible a combination of Internet related issues would need to be reached and then define policy to influence the same. Definitely some political interest would be generated hence making implementation fairly challenging. Possibly Walu and Dr. Ndemo would shed some more light with actual policy that is already at work or in the process of preparation. S. On Sun, Aug 30, 2009 at 10:26 PM, Jane Kagiri <kagirijane@yahoo.com> wrote:
Hallo, Please help me understand,when we discuss Internet Policy making in the context of Internet Governance what are we exactly refering to? Is it governance on domain names,intelectual property rights,root server management,internet security,spam or is it all the above. This is also in connection to what issues will be up for discussion at the EAIGF to be held from 7-9 September 2009? Where do I register to attend the EAIGF conference? Jane Kagiri Catritone Office Solutions
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