Hi This is my first posting to the list. @Tony: On 26 September 2012 15:20, Tony Likhanga <tlikhanga@gmail.com> wrote:
@Denis, Yes, you can legitimately buy music online from http://www.pewahewa.com/ ... The beauty of it all is that the online shop has endeavoured to incorporate as many payments options as feasible; making it very convenient to the average consumer.
This is a great development, I am going to use it to buy and discover Kenyan music. Thank you for the link. I notice on my phone that pewahewa does not have a mobi/WAP version. This is where WAPKID perhaps has an edge in Kenya. WAPKID has a WAP/mobi site (hence the name), and then normal website which tends direct one towards getting them to download content on a mobile phone. I could imagine this working well on an old Nokia feature phones. Pehewa has no mobile site and would require an Android, Droid Tablet. I could be wrong here I have only tested with an Ideos and this WAP emulator, http://tagtag.com/site/info/emulator WAPKid seems to have an unfortunate edge when it caters towards bottom of the phone-buying pyramid users, both in user experience and of course, unfortunately price. Would strongly suggest Pahewa also goes mobi. Kind regards, Alex Comninos