Dear Listers, KICTANet is pleased to announce that it will be launching *“A study paper on human-centred cybersecurity: Kenyan FinTech sector”* which was commissioned by Trust4Cyber-Flagship <> on: *Thursday, 3rd March4.00 – 5.30 pm EAT (2 – 3.30 pm CET)* We extend an invitation to join us and discuss the outcomes of the study and its recommendation to the government, private sector development partners and civil society. *Agenda* - *Welcoming *– Salomé Eggler, Head of Digital Transformation Centre Kenya (5 min.) - *Presentation of the outcomes/recommendations* of the study paper – Ali Hussein, Chairman Board of Trustees at Kenya ICT Action Network (KICTANet) and Executive Board Member at Africa Fintech Network, (10-15 min.) - *Commenting* *of recommendations* from different sectors (30 min.): - Government (Communications Authority Kenya) - Civil society (Nanjira Sambuli, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace) - and private sector (Catherine Muraga, Stanbic Bank) - Moderation: Grace Githaiga, KICTANet - *Question + Answer* (30 min.) - *Closing* – Deborah Klein, Trust4Cyber-Flagship (5 Min.) *Kind Regards,* *David Indeje *_____________________________________ +254 (0) 711 385 945 | +254 (0) 734 024 856 <>