Not sure where information passed on to is digitally stored but am sure they store data themselves even if they backup data at the upcoming (or recently deployed?) Central Govt Data Center. Even if they use FOSS, storage is an issue (cost).

Interesting (61 page pdf) presentation here:

Page 42: Reveals an annual budget of KES 20M for IT hardware, applications, automation, interactive website, document management | workflow.

What if due to budget shortfalls has to rely on development partners who favor foreign firms or consultants to deploy the IT systems they fund?

KES 20M per annum has not in 2 years (2009-2010) helped build an truly accessible public information system. It is certainly not enough to build and maintain a system which analyzes and publicizes corruption reported by 1 or 2 millions of Kenyans annually.

On Fri, May 6, 2011 at 7:01 AM, McTim <> wrote:

Why not use Kenyan built software to do this at a tiny fraction of
this cost?  A crowdmap implementation would cost in the 1000s of bob,
not Millions!!


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route indicates how we get there."  Jon Postel