I think that while there may be genuine governance issues that need to (and will) be dealt with at KENIC, the recent tone of commentary regarding the organisation's affairs has been unnecessarily alarmist and may not provide a complete view of the underlying dynamics. It would be good for us to hear from the board/change manager in order to have a clear understanding of the status.
Brian Munyao Longwe | Mobile: 254715964281
http://mashilingi.blogspot.com |
So in typical Kenyan god-management syndrome, the gods at KENIC have fired all the employees.If you weren't aware, KENIC's stellar performance is due to the gods making up the board outnumbering the employees by more than double, 7 board members to manage 3 employees.Anyway , Wanjiku, as usual, has the full low down http://www.wanjiku.co.ke/2012/08/kenic-ceo-fires-first-salvo-at-govt-terminates-all-employees/