Dear Listers,

We appreciate the engagement and wish to provide the following clarifications regarding the Universal Service Fund.  Please note that this is based on the questions raised and additional information for your understanding.

The Authority within the current FY 2015/16 contracted Intelecon Research Ltd of Canada to undertake an ICT Access Gaps Study whose objectives were: 

       To engage the industry and other stakeholders / service providers to identify the gaps in the ICTs service provision.   

       Conduct an in-depth analysis of communication services in the country and map out access gaps in voice, data, broadcasting and postal &courier services at sub-location level across all counties in Kenya.

       To support implementation of initial USF network expansion projects, grouping gap areas and special projects (e.g. schools connectivity) into optimal lots for purposes of tendering.

      Develop an interactive portal for regular updates and definition of the gaps for each service area giving GPS coordinates for selected USF clusters and other socio-economic characteristics.

       Develop a 5 year USF Implementation Strategy based on projected funding

       Review the existing Operational Manual with a view of aligning it with relevant internal procedures of the Authority and procurement legislations.


The progress made To-date

       The consultants have delivered an acceptable Final Access Gaps report herewith attached; Developed an interactive portal for regular updates by the Authority; Are currently reviewing the USF Operating Manual and thereafter develop the 5 year USF Implementation Strategy.

From the objectives of the ICT Gaps Study, it is clear the survey did not focus on the need to increase the USF levy amount neither did the study audit the use of USF funds. 

It should further be noted that even though the Act that created USF came into being in 2009, it was not until in the FY 2013/14 that the Authority issued the first USF invoices.

As it awaited the legal framework to be in place and fully operationlize the Fund, the Authority undertook a number of preparatory activities for the implementation of USF. These include:

·     Carrying out a number of studies to guide the implementation of the Fund, these included the 1st National ICT Survey (2010/2011) and the ICT Access Gaps Study (2011); The Internet Market Study; the 2nd National ICT Survey (2016) targeting Public Sector and Business Enterprises covering all the 47 counties in Kenya.  The National ICT Survey has been undertaken in conjunction with the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS) with the objective of; establishing ownership, access and usage of ICTs in enterprises; measuring the use and access of ICTs by Government employees; measuring availability of ICTs in enterprises and public sector institutions; measuring supply of e-Government services to citizens in Kenya and compute the e-Government development index. The data capture for the Public Sector and Business Enterprises has just been concluded and a report will be shared with stakeholders.

Universal Service Fund (USF) kitty has accumulated KES. 2.94 Billion from remittances by licensees while the Authority has contributed KES 1 Billion seed money to the fund putting the total collections at KES giving total collections to date at KES. 3.94 Billion. 

The Access Gaps Study Report (attached) has identified basic services and broadband gaps as the two priorities for USF investment in the FY 2016/17:


These priority projects shall be implemented under the accepted guidelines of the USF and the existing procurement laws in Kenya which stress on transparency and competition in the distribution of funds.

USF Projects Implementation Plan

The Schools Connectivity project will be designed to run in parallel with the ICT Infrastructure (Voice) Project. The schedule of USF implementation is as follows;


Kindly note that the Authority is the secretariat to the Univeral Service Advisory Council (USAC) and can provide any information required. The CA website is updated with news items, publications, so make effort to equally follow us on online platforms and achievements to date. Lastly, we wish to clarify that the Universal Service Levy imposed under section 84J (3) of the Act is to be charged on all licensees offering communication systems and services on a commercial basis.  The Act provides for the Levy charged on licensees at an amount not exceeding one percent (1%) of the gross revenue of a licensee. However, the Authority's Board settled on 0.5% after due consultation with the industry. At no point has the Authority considered increasing the levy amount since the ICT voice gaps has considerably reduced to 5.6%. Any changes in the percentage of contribution will be subjected to industry consultations. 

Hope this gives you some insights that are helpful.  


Rachel Alwala
Assistant Director/Communications and External Affairs
Communications Authority of Kenya 
PO Box 14448
Nairobi 00800
Tel:  +254 703 042000

From: KICTAnet Discussions <>
Reply-To: KICTAnet Discussions <>
Date: Monday, April 18, 2016 at 14:27
To: Rachel Alwala <>
Cc: Ali Hussein <>

See attached news clip. Couldn't find the online version. Good initiative. No doubt. 

However, I'm curious:-

1. Why is it that the study only focused on need for more cash?

2. I haven't seen the report but I'm hoping that it also includes an audit on how much has been spent since the fund was started, it's impact and challenges. Could whoever is on this list provide us with a link to review this study?

3. Why the Board, appointed to administer and execute this fund has been consistently missing in action on this list. Surely they don't have anything to hide do they? Silence speaks volumes. This forum isn't about just criticizing but about engaging and contributing to the development of ICTs in this country. Be a part of it. You can't ignore us forever. 

4. Could the CA provide this forum and Kenyans at large a Performance Report on this very important component of our ICT development? 
