That penalty is ridiculously low. It is a minor slap on the wrist considering the profits the telcos make even after taxes. There is no reason for them to improve services when they can pay this and carry on as usual.

On Thu, Jan 2, 2014 at 8:01 PM, Kivuva <> wrote:
The country's four mobile network operators failed the CCK quality
service test for year 2012/2013.

The research focused on completed call rate, call setup success rate,
dropped calls, speech quality, handover success rate, call setup time,
and signal strength.

The report revealed that non of the operators complied with the set
rules over a period of three years.

Telkom Kenya had the highest compliance level (62%), and Safaricom had
the worst completed calls rate.

The penalty for non-compliance is Ksh500,000 but CCK did not indicate
if it will take any action. Is this penalty deterrent enough?

Mwendwa Kivuva, Nairobi, Kenya | The Kenya we know

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