Listers, Below find a self explanatory letter from one of my former IT expert at the Ministry. We had sent him to the Korean Advanced Institute of Science and Technology. Don't forget to read the attachments too. Ndemo. Dear Sir, Happy 2014, The university I attended in South Korea (Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology) is recruiting undergraduate students on full scholarship to pursue IT, Engineering and Natural Sciences. The recruitment Team will be in Nairobi between 16th and 19th January, 2014. Kindly help me circulate the message below (on kictanet, tweeter etc), this way we can give a poor bright Kenyan kid a chance to rise and shine. Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (KAIST) will conduct '2014 Undergraduate Scholarship Recruitment' as follows; 1. Date: Jan 16th Thur 2:30pm Place: University of Nairobi 2. Date: Jan 17th Friday 10am Place: Sunrise Hotel Conference Hall, Keekorok Road, off Ngariama Road, 00600 Nairobi, P.O. Box 519-00600 Participants: max 30 people (due to the limited space) * If there are any Int'l undergraduate admission applicants, we do have a plan to conduct the paper review and interview in Kenya. ** I will recommend applicants to prepare all the document before the KAIST 2014 Scholarship Recruitment presentation. For additional information, plse contact: Admissions Officer Ms. Sky Lee Undergraduate Admissions Team 291 Daehak-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 305-701, Republic of Korea Tel: +82-42-350-4811 Fax: +82-350-2420 Email: Additional information on KAIST can be found via the links here below; -- With Compliments from Nicholas Awiti