"My question: besides colorful brochures what concrete actions are our regulators taking to ensure that every citizen is aware of their rights, privileges and what services are available to them. Regards Brian"
The CCK recently unveiled the CCK service chatter that sets public expectations Re: dealing with the Commission and its staff interchangeably called the "The Customer Service Charter " it outlines rights and responsibilities and the procedure to follow if CCK service standards are not met. available at www.cck.go.ke Then there is a consumer center on the website, which includes some useful links e.g how to make a complaint, what you need to know about telecoms services, but is this enough? I think the following benchmarks (http://www.regulateonline.org/content/view/354/69/ ) for Latin American and Caribbean Regulatory Authority Websites are rather useful best alice above comments are personal and do not reflect any position of the organizations I am affiliated with