On 10/15/07, Brian Longwe <brian@isisweb.nl> wrote:

I repeat  - we have a problem with corporate governance in our NSE.

That I agree chief....but to me, the challenge is deeper than that and actually falls within the parameters of this discussion...Look at it this way...

1. The regulator still insists on hard copy registration to open a CDSC account. I agree this has value but there is no effort by the regulator in digitising this procedure.

2. Pundits are estimating that may be 3-4 million new investors might be attracted by Safaricom IPO with a significant number from what you might call the base of the pyramid...meaning they do not have bank accounts. Will these guys be forced to have bank accounts as a pre-requisite to participation, getting paid their dividends etc...when the regulators are completely silent on mobile money being heralded today by mobile phone operators??

I think when discussing e-content expected from regulators, it should be 'all encompassing' and malleable enough to change to the new technology that is being adopted and being embraced fully by the public. Its a whole new world out there...waiting to be opened...
