2010/1/27 Walubengo J <jwalu@yahoo.com>

Kenya is in dire need of investment in technology. That is why I am angry that the factors hindering growth are actually "policy" related to this sector, and not due to lack of innovators or investors. There are many innovators and investors willing to take the challenge of helping Kenya come out of the dark ages of narrowband and into the grace of broadband.

The problem rises from the differences between the Communication Commission of Kenya (CCK) and other 3G service providers. There seems to be a great cloud of varying information which hardly gets to the man on the street. The unclear issues include the following:

Stroy continues @


Disclaimer: views expressed here belong purely to the author and are not necessary endorsed by me ;-)

When I read this 'anger' online yesterday night, I thought Dr. Ndemo was really angered by the pace in which the telcos are doing their business, and sighed with relief to , mistakenly, think  that things would be sorted out, now that the PS MOIC has spoken. But alas, it was an end-user's predicament with the regulator and the mobile phone companies.

Yes there is a need to flod the sleeves and start offering what is needed, not just blame games ( a common phenomenon in the corporate world) and offer something great to the people.

This 3G business is messing people around!

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Solomon Mbũrũ Kamau
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Man is a gregarious animal and enjoys agreement as cows will graze all the same way to the side of a hill!


It is better to die in dignity than in the ignomity of ambiguous generosity!
