"no competition in the infrastructure/gateway provider space." Not missed it locally. Surely *any* ISP can afford 10K application fee for Gateway license? (i.e. what they charge one customer in a month) See: - 3. FIXED AND MOBILE SATELLITE SERVICES CATEGORY Public Commercial Satellite Uplink/Downlink Gateway Services (Gateway Services) Kshs. 10,000 0.5% of the annual gross turnoverof the business <http://www.cck.go.ke/html/child.asp?title=licensing&contcatid=9&childtitle=license+fees&childcontid=69> On Thu, Aug 14, 2008 at 10:48 PM, Michuki Mwangi <michuki@swiftkenya.com> wrote:
Gakuru, Alex wrote:
Therefore, I strongly object to your statement and instead call for ever increased competition (see: "his consumer group is working to assure that the people of Kenya gain access to affordable, reliable networked communications from competitive carriers." <http://www.elon.edu/e-web/predictions/igf_interviews_2007.xhtml>)
The interesting bit that you are missing in our local environment with regards to competition is that you have increased competition in one space that is ISP but no competition in the infrastructure/gateway provider space. As a result what we have is increased contention ratio's for consumers by ISPs and hence the poor QoS and more affordable costs.