A lot of these responses seem like a cheer match for Dactari. That's not how people are supposed to engage in a productive argument, that the merits n demerits of a point are not truthfully explored just because the originator is held in high esteem. Technology alone is not the solution, why do we have more deaths from accidents on our roads than even before the speed governors were made a prerequisite for PSVs to get their licenses??
Dactari's idea is good, but it does have a lot of demerits as well, swallowing it wholesome like has mostly been proposed here is a recipe for a technological tyranny...
Dashboard-mounted Video Cameras (dash cams) are very popular in Russia for the same reasons that motivated Bw. Daktari to install one in his vehicle : http://www.wired.com/autopia/2013/02/russian-dash-cams/As a champion of local innovation/customisation, the good doc will be pleased to hear that some enterprising young lads recently showcased a similar local solution on a national TV station : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7pCuQNgENQ8Tony.
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