Very interesting Consumer issue you bring up. It brings to mind when Zain started off as KenCell they would charge you for topping up! remember the 40bob that you would have to part with when you load a Kes 300 voucher? That small problem was corrected by the market! It appears this "loan" facility as Nyaki puts it may be corrected by competition. Once another provider offers something similar at no Charge then you will see that Charge disappear! However I think a your question needs an answer that I would love to hear.... where does one really complain for this type of customer related issue....
Dear Listers,
Am a Consultant in Public Sector Governance who finds this list a most informative one ...a good example of how to dialogue for policy making.
I have a question. Where do I complain about Safaricom charging a Kshs 5 fee for their Kshs 50 credit advance service. Is this common in pricing? - For a company to charge a fee on a payment made to them?
regards, Wamuyu
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