Oh my deepest condolences. Prayers go out for comfort and strength to all her loved ones. I will personally miss her warmth and kindness.


From: kictanet-bounces+jgnjogu=safaricom.co.ke@lists.kictanet.or.ke [mailto:kictanet-bounces+jgnjogu=safaricom.co.ke@lists.kictanet.or.ke] On Behalf Of Paul Kukubo
Sent: Monday, September 12, 2011 10:33 AM
To: Judy Njogu
Cc: KICTAnet ICT Policy Discussions
Subject: Re: [kictanet] We have lost Evelyne Rono



This news comes as a shock to the us at the Kenya ICT Board and to me personally as a friend of hers for many years.

We extend our condolences to her family and friends and indeed to the entire ICT community in Kenya that has lost a mother, a friend and a champion.

Our interaction with her at the Kenya ICT Board was always positive and constructive.

Paul Kukubo
Chief Executive Officer, Kenya ICT Board
PO Box 27150 - 00100
Nairobi, Kenya

12th Floor, Teleposta Towers Koinange Street

Tel +254 20 2089061, +254 20 2211960
Fax: +254 20 2211962
website: www.ict.go.ke
local content project: www.tandaa.co.ke, www.facebook.com/tandaakenya
BPO Project: www. doitinkenya.co.ke
Digital Villages Project: www.pasha.co.ke

personal contacts

Cell: + 254 717 180001

skype: kukubopaul
googletalk: pkukubo
personal blog: www.paulkukubo.co.ke
personal twitter: @pkukubo

Vision: Kenya becomes a top ten global ICT hub

Mission: To champion and actively enable Kenya to adopt and exploit ICT, through promotion of partnerships, investments and infrastructure growth for socio economic enrichment

On Mon, Sep 12, 2011 at 10:13 AM, Walubengo J <jwalu@yahoo.com> wrote:

Oh dear!

may her Soul rest in peace.


--- On Mon, 9/12/11, alice@apc.org <alice@apc.org> wrote:

From: alice@apc.org <alice@apc.org>
Subject: [kictanet] We have lost Evelyne Rono
To: jwalu@yahoo.com
Cc: "KICTAnet ICT Policy Discussions" <kictanet@lists.kictanet.or.ke>
Date: Monday, September 12, 2011, 9:57 AM

Dear all,
We lost our colleague and friend Evelyne Rono, KDN, last night after a short illness.
Deepest condolences to her loved ones.
TESPOK will send us more on funeral arrangements.

Alice Munyua

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The Kenya ICT Action Network (KICTANet) is a multi-stakeholder platform for people and institutions interested and involved in ICT policy and regulation. The network aims to act as a catalyst for reform in the ICT sector in support of the national aim of ICT enabled growth and development.

KICTANetiquette : Adhere to the same standards of acceptable behaviors online that you follow in real life: respect people's times and bandwidth, share knowledge, don't flame or abuse or personalize, respect privacy, do not spam, do not market your wares or qualifications.

kictanet mailing list

Unsubscribe or change your options at http://lists.kictanet.or.ke/mailman/options/kictanet/pkukubo%40ict.go.ke

The Kenya ICT Action Network (KICTANet) is a multi-stakeholder platform for people and institutions interested and involved in ICT policy and regulation. The network aims to act as a catalyst for reform in the ICT sector in support of the national aim of ICT enabled growth and development.

KICTANetiquette : Adhere to the same standards of acceptable behaviors online that you follow in real life: respect people's times and bandwidth, share knowledge, don't flame or abuse or personalize, respect privacy, do not spam, do not market your wares or qualifications.


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