Heh! Bill-Oh,

We are not meeting to define a policy for government. We are meeting to take stock of Kenya's ICT sector and the various organisations that represent different interest groups therein.

In the process we "might" have time to cover some of the other issues raised here. But first and foremost we must desmystify (I almost said demist) the organisational aspects of representation within the ICT sector.

From the recent exchanges it is abundantly clear that many don't realise the purpose, role and functions of many of these entities (KICTANET) included - and it's also clear that some of the organisations need to respond to various criticisms being levelled against them.

I beg to assert that NCS is one such organisation - why can't we challenge, critique and examine the organisation and gauge it's performance and relevance? Why can't we have them on the podium along with KIF, CSK, KICTANET and others - sharing (and justifying) their reason for existence?

None of this will stop them from capturing any of the various inputs and channeling them into their policy processes.



On Tue, Jul 15, 2008 at 11:17 PM, Bill Kagai <billkagai@gmail.com> wrote:
On Tue, Jul 15, 2008 at 9:16 PM, Brian Munyao Longwe <blongwe@gmail.com> wrote:
But you miss my point. NCS is the *implementor* of policy views gathered from the populace. They have the responsibility of interpreting all the wishes and demands and turning those into actionable policy recommendations.

In other words, the buck stops with them. Instead of taking churned notes to them to convert into policy, why don't we set them up and make them responsible for the thought process so that they can know how to phrase the policy so that all views are articulated.

In other..other.... words, lets do it differently this time round.

PS..With no reference to anyone, a pal once asked me to define stupidity. He told me its the art of doing the same thing, the same way, over and over again and expecting different results. We need a new team doing the policy this time round.

Since we have tried it one way before, why not embrace 'Here Be Dragons' and venture into un-charted waters.

But if the rest feel otherwise, I will not belabour the point...but concur with what the majority decides and move on.

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Brian Munyao Longwe
e-mail: blongwe@gmail.com
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