Bw Wainana,
I remember something like 'failing to plan, is planning to fail'. That does not mean there are no 'quick-wins' which can be implemented even as the plan is being drawn. As my software technology professor/teacher used to say: 'don't do it right the first time, but do it'. But of course he pre-supposed that if it was a large-scale software being developed, a prior 'plan' even to 'do it first time' had been drawn.
--- On Thu, 6/12/08, <> wrote:
From: <> Subject: Re: [kictanet] {Disarmed} Fw: Re: [NewVisionKenya] Voiceless'Knowl edge Workers' To: Cc: Date: Thursday, June 12, 2008, 3:56 AM
Shem, can we have an over-arching coordinated approach to implementation without
first taking a break to Master Plan? Could we change things mid-way
implementation instead of going back to the planning stage again? Kenya has
been planning and analysing for so long that many of us just want to see
Paul, why wouldn't the ICT Board act as a coordination centre or a central
reference point for ICT projects in Kenya? As you market ICTs, let all ICT
projects (by Civil society, Private sector, government, PPP etc) be documented,
easily accessed and referenced so that we encourage partnerships or
complementary projects.
I believe this would allow us to focus on Action/Implementation and let
"The Kenyan Approach" be a learning-by-doing model.
For instance, would be happy to find more partners from a
central projects database of ICT/mgovernment projects. We are talking to a few
and would be glad to complement others with a similar vision. All this can be
done - in practice - rather than as per a generic umbrella plan.
- original message -
Subject: Re: [kictanet] {Disarmed} Fw: Re: [NewVisionKenya]
Voiceless'Knowledge Workers'
From: Shem Ochuodho <>
Date: 11/06/2008 21:33
Hi Paul,
Please don't repeat the same mistake that was made with Vision 2030. From
experience, involve 'people' (otherwise called 'stakeholders')
from day 1. When Rwanda's first plan (NICI I: 2000-2005) was drawn, that
mistake was made. NICI II (2006-2010) was prepared differently. Rather than
assemble a few experts and prepare a draft, work with the stakeholders to
develop the draft. You can still have a few experts to 'guide' or
'inform' the process, but for heaven's sake please let the process
be stakeholder-owned from day one.
As for the 'marketing' element, my understanding was that the person
concerned did not mean to imply that it is not important - but that it should
not be the core function.
Best rgrds,
Shem |