Most welcome Solomon

Kind Regards

On Fri, Jul 16, 2010 at 7:38 PM, Solomon Mburu Kamau <> wrote:
Dear Barrack and Judy,

I'll give my final submissions on the discussions tomorrow.

I had taken a 'forced abscence of leave!'

Hoping that will not be too late to make my submissions!

Thank you.

On 14/07/2010, Judy Okite <> wrote:
> Dear Barrack,
> indeed it has been a 'knowledge construction', period, I take this
> opportunity to thank all who have made it a rich discussion.
> what I have been able to pick from the exchange:
> a) Infrastructure issues: Unified Licensing., Fibre Optic cable- Kenyans are
> wary about it- we are moving,but not moving yet!
> b) Critical Internet Resources, Management of the dot KE cctld-  there is a
> LAW but only on paper.
> c) IPv6- there is no driving force.
> d) ecrimes, privacy, data security.- in most instances people always assume
> that it is the consumers that need the law to protect them, but I will say
> certainly NOT all the stakeholders in a given scenario, need protection.
> Maybe I will pose my layman question to our learned friends, the lawyers,
> 'what causes demand for a law to be put in place?'
> Kind Regards,
> On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 8:06 AM, Barrack Otieno
> <>wrote:
>> Dear Listers,
>> Today we conclude 8 days of interesting discourse on Internet Governance
>> issues in Kenya. As mentioned by some contributors in earlier posts, being
>> a
>> new area, there is a great need for capacity building and awareness to
>> ensure that the country is able to reap the benefits of the new
>> info-economy. We would like to invite listers who might not have had the
>> chance to make their posts to do so under the respective subject lines in
>> the next two days before compilation of the final report that will be
>> presented during the face to face discussions scheduled for the end of
>> this
>> month.
>> In a nutshell we explored the following areas:
>>    1. Internet Governance rationale - What is internet governance and why
>>    internet governance at this point in time.
>>    2. Infrastructure issues: Unified Licensing., Fibre Optic cable
>>    3. Critical Internet Resources
>>    4. Management of the dot KE cctld
>>    5. IPv6
>>    6. ecrimes, privacy, data security.
>> Despite the limited time frame the discussion was exciting, i am sure the
>> many that followed the debate silently would not their heads in agreement.
>> Today and tomorrow will be dedicated to exploring other areas that might
>> of
>> interest in so far Internet Governance in Kenya is concerned one of them
>> being cloud computing was which pointed out by Dr. Waudo Siganga.
>> Thank you
>> --
>> Barrack O. Otieno
>> +41767892272
>> Skype: barrack.otieno
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> “To live is to choose. But to choose well, you must know who you are and
> what you stand for, where you want to go and why you want to get there.”
> Kofi Annan

Solomon Mbũrũ Kamau

Man is a gregarious animal and enjoys agreement as cows will graze all
the same way to the side of a hill!


It is better to die in dignity than in the ignomity of ambiguous generosity!

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