---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: "Eric Kariuki" <eric.kariuki@thekijiji.co.ke> Date: Oct 5, 2017 1:36 PM Subject: Invitation to Open House To: <emugendi@gmail.com> Cc: Hello, As we open our doors, I'm getting in touch to invite you to Open House at the Kijiji - a home to a growing community of businesses that are creating a better Kenya and beyond. We offer a space to work on flexible terms, peer-to-peer interaction, business services and learning through programmes and events. Open House is an invitation to spend a day working within the Kijiji, to connect with like-minded peers and to be part of shaping the movement for a better Kenya. This free day pass includes desk space for the day, fast and reliable WiFi and unlimited tea & coffee. You can read more and register here <https://www.eventbrite.com/o/the-kijiji-10627294947>. We are also hosting co-creation events where we invite the public and potential members to come and shape what the Kijiji will be and offer. We will have three different evening sessions, each with a dedicated topic on space <https://www.eventbrite.com/e/how-do-we-make-this-an-inspiring-workspace-co-create-the-kijiji-tickets-38541947001>, community <https://www.eventbrite.com/e/what-are-the-values-and-culture-of-our-community-co-create-the-kijiji-tickets-38532111583> and the problems we are solving as a nation <https://www.eventbrite.com/e/what-are-the-biggest-challenges-we-face-as-a-nation-co-create-the-kijiji-tickets-36043537190>. Please join us for the one that’s most of interest to you. Of course, you are very welcome to join all three! We hope to welcome you at one of our Open Houses in the coming weeks. Cheers -- *Eric Mwangi Kariuki* Co-Founder - Finance and Operations eric.kariuki@thekijiji.co.ke <freyja.oddsdottir@thekijiji.co.ke> The Kijiji | thekijiji.co.ke +254 (0) 739 798 514 twitter <https://twitter.com/the_Kijiji> | facebook <https://www.facebook.com/theKijiji>| eventbrite <http://impacthubnairobi.eventbrite.com/> Subscribe <http://eepurl.com/caZGvb> to our newsletter ᐧ