On Wed, 30 Jul 2008 08:21:52 -0700 (PDT), "Shem Ochuodho" <shemochuodho@yahoo.com> said:
Did I see a posting in this space talking of: 'gagging the media, threatening, maiming or killing'?
Last night we had a 30-minute harrowing ordeal. Suspected thieves broke into our compound, tried to break into our house but were repelled by a combination of good neighbours, police and security guards. I would want to treat it as a normal insecurity incidence, unrelated to the concerns above that have been flying in this space. It is interesting, however, why pick on our house, amidst (and in between) several!
At another level, there are a host of fundamental things that we have to address as a nation if we have to avoid being a failed state, and one of them is insecurity. Of the nearly 40 Africa's capital cities I have had the privilege to stay in, Kigali is probably the safest. In fact, contrary to the outside perception of the genocide, insecurity, etc, Kigali could well be one of the safest cities on earth. Addis isn't any much worse! If Nairobi/Kenya is to reclaim its glory, security has to be restored, along with the other fundamental 'go wrongs'.
I pray that no one else - both on and off these lists - go through that kind of trauma.
Best rgrds,
People make a plan work, a plan alone seldom makes people work (Confucius).