Dear listers,
You are
invited to take part in a research study which is being conducted by myself Ms.
Angela Atieno Okuku (MSc
Global Security student) from the College of Social Sciences, University of
Glasgow. However, before
you decide it is important for you to understand why the research is being done
and what it will involve.
This study is aimed at investigating
the role of cybersecurity strategy on national security. It will specifically
examine how Kenya’s newly developed Cybersecurity strategy would address mobile
Internet security threats that undermine the overall efforts of national
security. The results of this study
will form part of my dissertation project for the award of a Master’s degree. The
study has been reviewed by Ms Karen Renaud, a senior lecturer in the School of
Computing Science whose main research interest is usable security.
As a key
stakeholder of the Cybersecurity strategy, which is a public policy in Kenya,
your views on the approaches the government should use to increase public
awareness on mobile internet security will help in answering the research
questions of this study. The link provided below will direct you to a five minutes
questionnaire at a time convenient to you. With your permission, the researcher
would like to clarify further questions that may arise from the analysis of the
survey through an email based questionnaire. Your decision to participate or
not or to withdraw at some point of the study will be completely voluntarily. Your
consent will be implied by return of the survey. The data will be kept securely
in the College of Social Sciences for ten years from the date of publication
before being destroyed.
researcher intends to distribute a final copy of the study to the Kenya ICT
Authority to support its ongoing efforts in developing the national
cybersecurity strategy. It is also possible that the results will be published
in academic journals.
Thank you for your
Yours faithfully,
Angela Atieno Okuku.