Thanks Ali
I will be open to engage for the better lives  and use this ministry to transform our Country and the people of Kenya.

On Dec 2, 2015 5:34 AM, "Ali Hussein via kictanet" <> wrote:

Thanks for sharing. 

@Walu, as always you come straight to the point without pulling any punches.

For the benefit of Mr. Itemere, the new PS for Broadcasting and Telecommunication I'd like to repeat what I told Joe and Victor few days ago.   

I would like to humbly request you to quickly bring the new PS of Broadcasting & Telecommunication into the community. His is an inbox over flowing with major issues that will affect us for years to come. I’d request (again, humbly) to bring him up to speed with such subjects as:-

1. Dominance in the Telco space
2. Net Neutrality
3. Kenya’s space in trailblazing Policy, Innovation and Regulation in the Global Arena.

Lastly, we hope that you will reverse the almost non-existent engagement with the community perpetuated by the outgoing regime.

You guys don’t need Karibu. You are a part of us.

Sometimes Kictanet can be intimidating with lots of us very opinionated and mostly may seem out rightly disrespectful of the pecking order in society. This doesn't mean that we don't have the interests of the community in particular and the country at large at heart. 

We really are looking forward to engaging with you guys..

Ali Hussein
Hussein & Associates
+254 0713 601113 / 0770906375

Twitter: @AliHKassim

Skype: abu-jomo



"Discovery consists in seeing what everyone else has seen and thinking what no one else has thought".  ~ Albert Szent-Györgyi

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On 2 Dec 2015, at 12:07 AM, Grace Githaiga via kictanet <> wrote:

When the President announced his revamped government line-up, now dubbed Government 2.0, many within the ICT sector were happy to see Joe Mucheru and Victor Kyalo rise to the top.

Sammy Itemere was also nominated Principal Secretary, though information on his background is not widely available within the sector.

..."Will they surround themselves with sycophants who cannot dare criticise them or will they be open to accommodating opposing views that may sound harsh or uncomfortable, but eventually add value?"

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The Kenya ICT Action Network (KICTANet) is a multi-stakeholder platform for people and institutions interested and involved in ICT policy and regulation. The network aims to act as a catalyst for reform in the ICT sector in support of the national aim of ICT enabled growth and development.

KICTANetiquette : Adhere to the same standards of acceptable behaviors online that you follow in real life: respect people's times and bandwidth, share knowledge, don't flame or abuse or personalize, respect privacy, do not spam, do not market your wares or qualifications.

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The Kenya ICT Action Network (KICTANet) is a multi-stakeholder platform for people and institutions interested and involved in ICT policy and regulation. The network aims to act as a catalyst for reform in the ICT sector in support of the national aim of ICT enabled growth and development.

KICTANetiquette : Adhere to the same standards of acceptable behaviors online that you follow in real life: respect people's times and bandwidth, share knowledge, don't flame or abuse or personalize, respect privacy, do not spam, do not market your wares or qualifications.