The above report has extensively been referenced to on
several occasions, by government and industry alike - as a benchmark for
BPO/ITES development in Kenya. The report was commissioned (to the best of my
knowledge) by government to guide in the development of the sector. Many of the
recommendations from the report are already being implemented.
From what I gather, the report indicates that a BPO/ITES
cannot be profitable unless at 250 seats. What is their definition of
profitability? What are the cost assumptions? What technology are they
referencing? What process are they referencing? – In a nutshell, what are
the variables they considered in drawing that conclusion?
This report was delivered in an electronic format I believe,
but there are only a handful of print copies available. Reason given, the rest
of the report is not meant for public consumption! Was this not funded to the
tune of USD 500K- public funds?
My plea - the relevant ministry to have “the public consumable”
sections posted on their site for the public to freely have access to it.