Hello people,
I'm sure someone can help me here.
I'm a Registrar - just not for KE domains. I want on behalf of a customer, to buy two CO.KE domains for his business - which whilst South African based - is also selling in Kenya. I already run a dozen or so of his domains.
As non-Kenyans can not yet be Registrars in Kenya:-
a) I need a friendly Kenyan Registrar,
b) I want to pay by Credit Card,
c) supply just the Nameservers (I'll run the DNS and other services on my own systems)
d) and as a bonus - I'd like to supply the DS records for DNSSEC provisioning.
As soon as non-Kenyan Registrars are allowed - I'll bring all this home to me.
Who should I choose? Most people want to supply everything to me - I'm just looking for Registration services.
-- Mark James ELKINS - Posix Systems - (South) Africa mje@posix.co.za Tel: +27.128070590 Cell: +27.826010496 For fast, reliable, low cost Internet in ZA: https://ftth.posix.co.za
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