Greetings Listers,

Hope you had a lovely weekend and ready for this week's 'Talk-2-Safaricom' online deliberations. Going straight into today's theme, we want you to share  your experiences, challenges, proposed solutions with regard to Safaricom Services along any of the following lines:
a) Affordability - (of Bandwidth, Data bundles, SMS, Over The Top Services )
b) Quality of Service - (Congestion, Dropped Calls, 2G, 3G, 4G)
c) Data Protection & Intermediary liability- (Premium Service Providers, Unsolicited sms, KRA & MPESA accounts)
d) Privacy Issues -As the largest ISP, how is Safcom handling Censorship threats, Child online Protection from harmful content, Security Cameras, etc)

The floor is open and we have only today.  So better start talking since tomorrow we move on to competition issues. 

-Rest of the Programme-
1. Consumer Issues Day, 
2. Competition Issues Day, 
3. Innovators, Innovations & Suppliers Day, 
4. Infrastructure & Universal Access Day, 
5. Technology & Elections Day 
6. Emerging Issues+AOB