> Facilitate & Regulate only? I think this is not true since when I look
> at public transport in the west, they are owned by the Councils which
> are the government. Facilitate and regulate might just be some of the
> functions, but ownership, especially in infrastructure - transport &
> communications - should be owned by the Government, albeit the local
> council governments.
> Sanity on the roads, on the other hand, is purely an attitude problem
> with us the citizens - We jump onto public transport and they are
> driven the way the are yet we don't raise a voice, We offer the cops
> bribes or see them being offered bribes and do nothing about it. This
> is entirely a personal thing and until our attitudes change - however
> good the transport system is - we will not go anywhere.
> Happy 2010
> ./Ok3ch
> On Wed, Dec 30, 2009 at 2:04 PM, <
bitange@jambo.co.ke> wrote:
>> Dear Barrack,
>> You have a nice presidential name. You should not be confused with all
>> the questions you pose. Yes we shall continue to have accidents until
>> we
>> have a mass transportation system. I have argued before that the role
>> of
>> Government is facilitate. I need to add one more function: regulate.
>> There is need to facilitate proper mass transportation system in country
>> and then have a strong regulator. When I was young in late 70s, OTC
>> then
>> a Mass Transport system along with the Kenya Bus had a log in system
>> that
>> they could not be in Nakuru for example if they had not been scheduled
>> to
>> be there. Things worked then even Malaysians came to learn from us.
>> With
>> GPS and other ICT solutions, we should manage to safe our peoples's
>> lifes.
>> Now in the midist of greed we need serious reforms and selflessness.
>> Reviving the rail system should be priority number one but transport
>> companies keep on sabotaging the rail system for their own selfish ends.
>> Yes we have told our transport officials to reform the sector.
>> Ndemo
>>> Distinguished listers,
>>> I have read through the comments and still feel it is not yet time to
>>> celebrate, what we have simply done in the year 2009 is to build buses
>>> (Policies, Infrastructure , Strategies) however Kenyans are still
>>> walking
>>> on
>>> foot and hurting their toes as a result since they havent seen the
>>> difference this buses will make in their lives. Many gains have been
>>> made
>>> but they still don't resonate with the common man for instance *why are
>>> accidents still maiming Kenyans whereas we can use ICT's to curb them
>>> significantly through* CCTV's and other technologies (refer to Kwa Zulu
>>> Natal SA), *why is the corruption index still high whereas we can use
>>> ICT's
>>> to significantly reduce* *corruption*, *why is access to treatment a
>>> challenge whereas telemedicine is a reality,* *why is education
>>> expensive
>>> whereas e-learning is a reality* we continue to witness Petty fights
>>> among
>>> stakeholders whereas there are *REAL* issues that must be addressed we
>>> need
>>> to shun this culture and cooperate if we are to achieve more, if ICT
>>> cannot
>>> contribute to Socio-economic liberation, *then it is not worth it,* for
>>> those who were hitting hard continue with the same spirit mediocrity
>>> should
>>> not be tolerated, for the Peacemakers, be blessed in the year 2010 and
>>> continue with that spirit.
>>> --
>>> Barrack O. Otieno
>>> Administrative Manager
>>> Afriregister Ltd (Ke)
>>> P.o.Box 21682
>>> Nairobi 00100
>>> Tel:
>>> +254721325277
>>> +254733206359
>>> +254202498789
>>> Riara Road, Bamboo Lane
>>> ICANN accredited registrar.
>>> Skype: barrack.otieno
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