
Happy Mashujaa Day!

As the IGF fever gets high, here is an opportunity to hold a session/workshop at the African IGF slated to hold 24 - 27 November 2020.

Looking forward to some of your applications.


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Information Society Division <>
Date: Fri, Oct 16, 2020 at 5:50 PM
Subject: Call for Workshop / Session Proposals - AfIGF-2020 - Extension of the Deadline
Cc: Joshua Joshua <>, Bernard Brain-Cudjoe <>, biraza gustave <>, Secretariat of the African IGF <>

Extension of the Deadline for Submission of Workshop Proposals:



Due to several requests for an extension of the submission deadline, the African IGF MAG is pleased to advise that the deadline for submission has now been extended by a week

with a new submission deadline by COB of 23 October 2020.


Please ensure that submission of your proposals are made prior to / or by revised deadline.

“Those who are interested in organizing workshops/sessions during this year virtual AfIGF-2020 are requested to submit the completed attached form. 

The form can also be accessed through the following link:

Please feel free to submit through either the Google Docs or using email message addressed to those in Cc list”


Thank you


The AfIGF Secretariat,


From: Information Society Division
Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 2:23 PM
To: Information Society Division <>
Cc: Information Society Division <>; 'Joshua Joshua' <>; Bernard Brain-Cudjoe <>; 'biraza gustave' <>; 'Secretariat of the African IGF' <>
Subject: Call for Workshop / Session Proposals - AfIGF-2020


=Important message regarding African IGF-2020 workshop/session proposals=


Greetings to all members of the African IGF Community:


Please be advised that this year African IGF will be organized virtually, tentatively from 25 – 27 November 2020.

Further concrete information will be shared with you at the earliest convenience.


Those who are interested in organizing workshops/sessions during this year virtual AfIGF-2020 are requested to submit the completed form of the attached session proposal. 

The form can also be accessed through the following link:

Feel free to submit through either Google Docs or using email addressed to those in Cc.


The objective is to have sessions/ workshops that can facilitate debates and raise awareness around the overall thematic focus area - centered around the Digital Transformation Strategy for Africa 2020-2030, as per attached copies of the said Strategy (English and French versions). The exact theme of this year edition of the African IGF will be taken from the received proposals based on the topic that has the highest score amongst all received proposals.  Determination of sub-themes will follow the same process.

 The African IGF MAG would like to ensure that:

-        Participants of this year forum are well equipped and ready to actively participate during the main/breakaway sessions;

-        Due to limited session slots, the African MAG will review all applications for parallel and main sessions and make determinations accordingly;

-        Submission of applications within the next 10 days will be highly appreciated – no later than 15 September 2020.


We look forward to receiving your proposals.


Kind regards,

AfIGF Secretariat


Adil Sulieman

Senior Policy Officer

Infrastructure and Energy Department

Tel: +251-11-5517700

Mobile: 00251924828338


P.O. Box 3243 | Roosvelt Street (Old Airport Area) | W21K19 | Addis Ababa, Ethiopia


Keith Andere
Internet Governance | Policy | Cyber Peace & Security | Sustainable Development 
E: / 
Twitter: @AndereKE 
Skype: Keithess
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