Hi Charles, If you are able to read this today, please note that we are unable to open the file you attached. Can you resend in another form. thanks and regards Lizette At / À 06:10 PM 6/10/2005, charles nduati wrote / a écrit:
Hi All,
As we prepare to put the ICT policy to bed next week, our ICT Poicy guru Ernst Mwangi,of KLA and KIF Policy committee,has prepared the attached Proposal for an ideal Executive summary.
Take a look as food for thought for next week's discussions.
CHARLES N. NDUATI EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR KENYA ICT FEDERATION (ICT BOARD OF KENYA PRIVATE SECTOR ALLIANCE) 11th FLOOR, BRUCE HOUSE, KAUNDA STREET P. O. BOX 79324-00200 NAIROBI KENYA TEL: 254020-317996/251438/253847 FAX: 254020-221091 MOBILE:254-722728815 EMIAL:charlesnduati2002@yahoo.co.uk OFFICE EMAIL:info@kif.or.ke www.kif.or.ke
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