Well said. Although it's hard to beat Joseph's prediction system. God told him. Let's see TEAMS & SEACOM beat that! :) On Tue, Feb 9, 2010 at 3:44 PM, robert yawe <robertyawe@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
Yet again we suffer from a lack of information, farmers are pouring milk because the dairies cannot handle the increased volume and on another front maize is rotting in the shambas because NCPB do not have money to buy the maize due to an unexpected bumper harvest.
I could understand the increased milk production as it could have been sudden but how is it that we did not realise, in good time, that there will be a bumper maize harvest. Well, application developers can we get out an application that can help the government and millers be better prepared for a good or bad harvest or are we waiting for 3G connectivity or a 3rd fibre optic cable to land before we can role out such a product.
Even Joseph had a prediction system that saved Egypt from extinction yet he did not have a high speed Internet link nor a 3G mobile phone and definitely not an IPAD.
Lets apply ourselves to solving this basic issues instead of lamenting about a lack of 3G infrastructure, this is a challenge to the strathmore, IFC and other incubeter initiatives as well.
Have a good day
Robert Yawe KAY System Technologies Ltd Phoenix House, 6th Floor P O Box 55806 Nairobi, 00200 Kenya
Tel: +254722511225, +254202010696
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