1. In March 2019 a US jury awarded Qualcomm USD $31 Million after finding Apple GUILTY of infringing on Qualcomm patents related to improving mobile phones’ battery life (see link #13);
By the way, "IP infringement" is a PR sanitized term which essentially means THEFT of IP (see link #6a).
2. ~Jan 2019 a US judge upheld a GUILTY verdict against Apple for infringing on (stealing) WiLAN IP (see link #14);
3. In July 2017 Apple was ordered to pay USD $0.5 Billion in damages for stealing IP from University of Winconsin (see link #15a);
4. Apple also stole from Nokia and after a court struggle, settled out of court for USD $2 Billion (a small fine for Apple);
5. Apple (and other big-tech companies) are facing multiple other patent infringement lawsuits. These are not one-off issues, IMO, the numerous cases suggest a pattern or culture of institutionalized thievery, brazen impunity, anti-competition and anti-innovation practices. (see link #6b and #15b-17)
So, is Apple really the champion of public interest that it paints itself to be? Consider the following court cases / rulings:
6. In October 2018, the Italian government fined Apple EUR 10 Million (and Samsung EUR 5Million) for "dishonest commercial practices" after the companies deployed malware-like OS updates purposefully designed to
degrade phone performance, with the apparent motive of tricking customers into purchasing newer models. Both companies denied the alleged motive and offered an arguably nonsensical but technically plausible explanation. (see link #18)
7. May 2019: US Supreme court allowed an anti-trust case against Apple (for anti-competitive iOS App Store practices) to proceed, dealing a blow to the company as it had reportedly sought to have the case dismissed. (see link #19)
8. May 2019: Apple is facing a Class Action law suit for alleged
monopolistic / anti-competitive practices and/or exploitative pricing in its Apps store. In 2016, Apple reportedly settled
$580 million in a similar case at the US Supreme Court by e-Book publishers.
(see link #20)
9. May 2019: Another Class Action lawsuit (reportedly worth $5Billion) has been reportedly filed against apple for alleged privacy infringement. (see link #21)
It will be interesting to see how the above Class Action and Antitrust cases pan out.
In 2018 (see link #22), Qualcomm reportedly sued Apple for allegedly stealing Qualcomm chip(s) IP, and passing them on to Intel "in order to help Intel make cellular chips that could be used in iPhones at lower prices than those charged by Qualcomm". Apple's defense is that Qualcom has no evidence, to prove their allegations (but Apple has allegedly refused a compliance audit by Qualcomm, in violation of their Master Agreement in which Apple had reportedly agreed to allow Qualcomm to conduct such audits at Apple).
A post reportedly attributed to an ex-Intel employee allegedly states: "We were told to ignore intellectual property rights when designing the modem. There was even a conspiracy to copy Qualcomm's technology by hints from Apple about the 'reference device.' "
Qualcomm further alleges that: "Apple's illegal conduct was calculated and pervasive, particularly among its engineers working with Qualcomm and Intel chipsets."
The case was settled out of court in April 2019, with Apple signing a new contract with Qualcomm, leaving intel with no ready customer for 5G - after which intel promptly announced that it was leaving the Mobile / 5G modem chip market. (see link #23-24)