Good Morning Rigia,
Thank you very much for your email.
I was only able to read the abstract. One striking conclusion of it is "this paper documents that the Ugandan government has employed ICTs in oppressive ways, including for the surveillance of opposition leaders, and for social control."
Thos last two observation i.e. surveillance and social control can take. Most of the surveillance relies on data we ourselves share e.g. in Facebook, twitter etc. but what is frightening is the targeting of profiled subjects with certain messages to twist their mindsets and act as we witnessed for example in our 2013 and 2017 elections. How we view the other gender! Our balkanising those not sharing our culture, language etc. The foregoing can happen in Uganda, USA, you name the place.
Hope to be able to receive your full paper.
Seasons greetings with best wishes for 2020.