From: muriuki mureithi <>
Cc: KICTAnet ICT Policy Discussions <>
Sent: Mon, October 11, 2010 4:53:50 PM
Subject: Re: [kictanet] The big Kwaheri: reflecting on 10 years on the MJ 10 yr safari and his-tory - day 2
Well stated Joseph!
Is there more market to tap or MJ cleared all?
Muriuki Mureithi
-----Original Message-----
From: [mailto:]
Sent: 11 October 2010 14:08
To: muriuki mureithi
Cc: KICTAnet ICT Policy Discussions
Subject: Re: [kictanet] The big Kwaheri: reflecting on 10 years on the MJ 10
yr safari and his-tory - day 2
Hi Listers,
My take is that MJ has been a good and astute student of C K Prahlad,
he of the 'The fortune at the bottom of the pyramid' concept or what
others will call the Bottom Billion (though there are varying thoughts
for and against this line of thinking).
However, by thinking through the needs of
those at the lowers levels
of Maslow's hierarchy of needs, he has created an enviable machine.
Companies in the manufacturing sector do manufacture smaller Stock
Keeping Units (SKUs) for the 'kadogo economy', but have probably not
perfected their supply chain to reach the intended consumers as widely.
There is definitely something for them to learn how MJ has perfected
the supply chain to work as well as it does.
Best regards
Quoting muriuki mureithi <>:
> Hi Listers
> Many thanks for the exciting and very candid contribution - straight from
> the heart. It came out clearly that there is something in MJ's character
> that produces the results we see. Mj was '---smart enough to take
> advantage of
the situation during his tenure-- ' . Did MJ create the
> situation or just took advantage?
> Lets reflect on the lessons of his early years in the ict industry. The
> company was small and indeed an underdog - today this is no more
> There were and still are many companies that were in same position. Some
> have gone under while others are struggling
> What lessons do the MJ actions teach such companies ?
> Can the lessons from MJ replicated to other industries?
> cheers
> Muriuki Mureithi
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