Dear colleagues and friends.
Greetings from FEMNET in Nairobi, Kenya.
Please help us find a new Executive Director by applying for/circulating the notice below to those you think might be interested.
Thank you and warm regards.
Muthoni. ----- The African Women's Development and Communications Network (FEMNET) is a pan-African network working towards African women's development, equality and other human rights. Set up in 1988 and based in Nairobi, Kenya, FEMNET works on advocacy at the regional and international levels, training on gender analysis and mainstreaming and communications.
FEMNET is seeking a new Executive Director. Ethical, strong and visionary African women, who are committed to African women's autonomy and choice in all areas and who would like to contribute to the African women's movement are hereby invited to apply for the position. Kindly review the attached job description for further information and apply/circulate to those you think might be interested.
To apply, please submit, by January 15, 2006, a letter of application, together with a CV, copies of relevant supporting documents and at least three references to:
The African Women's Development and Communication Network (FEMNET) P O Box 54562 Nairobi 00200 Kenya Fax: (254) 20.3742927 Email: -- L. Muthoni Wanyeki Executive Director African Women's Development and Communications Network (FEMNET) P O Box 54562 Nairobi Kenya Tel: (254) 20-3741301/20 Fax: (254) 20-3742927 Email: URL: