On Tue, Sep 13, 2011 at 7:52 AM, John Kariuki <ngethe.kariuki2007@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
Shah,listers. Nairobi traffic problems are basically caused by three things. 1.Poor road infrastructure( A lot of work is on-going to improve the situation) 2.Lack of proper public transport hence the extensive use of personal vehicles. 3.Poor traffic control systems( Often they do not work and when they do there is inadequate intelligence in the control system and hence poor coordination).
I also humbly submit that even with all these challenges, lack of courtesy and plain stupid behaviour are another major cause. Behaviours like: blocking junctions and exits, even when one has no clear way ahead; using incorrect lanes; improper use of entry lanes etc. If for a single day each and every driver would practice courtesy, we'd see a big difference. BR S