First we have to look at 2 things here, IFMIS the Government project to automate the Financial affairs of Treasury and the technology platform behind it, Oracle. We can't really fault technology here as I want to believe Oracle Financials has been implemented successfully in a couple of projects.
The way I see it is that IFMIS cannot and should not be used to stop corruption, but, its supposed to put in checks & balances in the whole process so as to make corruption that much more difficult and / or provide reports that can be used in an Audit Trail.
Any system that allows 1 out of 3 transactions to be suspect cannot vouch to be a properly implemented system whichever way one looks at it! If, as an example, you are issuing Imprests through the system and this Imprest is not accounted for, and you continue to issue more of the same Imprest to persons who have millions already unaccounted for, then the system has simply been implemented badly or maybe implemented/designed in such a way that its is going to fail.
So far, we have spent a few billion shillings on IFMIS, hiring expensive consultants from Dubai, buying servers with capacity that can be used to launch Space Satellites, and yet the end result is simply the same as if we were to go manual.
We are also rolling out the same system that allows 1/3 of suspect transactions to go through to the Counties, without first getting it right in the Central Government, in yet the clearest indication that the new County Governments are all about Devolved Corruption.
Bottomline, there are those who are benefiting from the current status quo. The Civil Servants who don't bother to attach supporting documents when filing for payments on IFMIS, knowing very well the system will accept them regardless and those who are benefiting every time this country spends a few billion shillings in acquiring yet more modules, when the basic ones are not even up to scratch.