Dear All Listers,


We at the Consumers Federation of Kenya (Cofek) are delighted to announce an open 7-day “WriteShop” Competition on ‘Separating Facts and Myths on Kenya’s Telecommunications Sector Market Dominance’ as relates process and effect, if any, of declaration of market dominant player(s).


For details, we invite you to check out: for your kind and urgent input.


We will be offering a cash token to the top two entries. We look forward to receiving your articles by 5pm on July 21, 2015.


Kind regards,


Terry Watowa (Ms)

Program Assistant

Consumers Federation of Kenya (COFEK)

Rehema Place, Block F-45

Ngong Road/Ring Rd Kilimani Junction

P.O Box 28053-00200, City Square, NAIROBI, Kenya

Tel. 254-20-2615496, 2300859 Fax. 254-20-3861719; Cell phones: 0715555550, 0770700007



Facebook: "Consumers Federation of Kenya (Cofek)"

Twitter: @ConsumersKenya YouTube: "ConsumersKenya"