Hey all,
In an act of shameless self promotion, I thought I'd quickly send this to the list:
I'm hosting a talk with Susan Pointer from Google, Dorothy Ooko from
Nokia, Mikul Shah from Eat Out Kenya, and e-publisher Agatha Verdadero
at the Litfest tomorrow. We'll discuss how to make a living from digital
(business) ideas - maybe interesting for some of the people on this list.
Venue is the Railway Club downtown. My session is from 1.30 to 3pm, but
there are plenty of other interesting talks as well, and such exciting people as Ben Okri are in town (just in case you want to take a few hours off from thinking about anything IT or business related). Here's the
programme: http://www.storymojahayfestival.com/programme/
Have a lovely weekend,
Andrea Bohnstedt
+254 720 960 322
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