10 Oct
10 Oct
8:39 p.m.
Dear Listers, Apologies if this has been shared before. I would like to bring your attention to this bill... http://kfcb.co.ke/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/DRAFT-BILL-KFCB-21-7-Draft-10.p... In particular to chapter 39 which specifically refers to Internet Service Providers. I think in their zeal to create a solution where no problem exists they are forcibly trying to provide service providers into being enforcers of said bill. This would at worst mean Forced DPI on the service providers end, which I might argue is an infringement on privacy: a fundamental right, yes? -- Regards, Collins Areba, Kilifi, Kenya. Tel: +*254 707 750 788 */ *0731534124* Twitter: @arebacollins. Skype: arebacollins