
A bit off-the-cuff, but nevertheless, it affects us all, and maybe, we could come up with a common proposal about the recent announcements that the top guys are taking a payroll cut!

Now, if we are to spin this around, the amount of money that is going to be left on the table, looked at as a % of the total salaries would will be negligible.

Also, once this money is returned to general GoK cash pool it will just get 'eaten' the same way 30% of our total revenue collection gets 'eaten'.

I wonder, what if we are to propose some projects right around the whole country, that could be funded by these 'refunded' monies?

Say we can collect Ksh5M / month from these refunds, this is enough money that on a round-robin basis could be used to setup a computer lab in a National School and I think the effect would be a lot more than returning this money to the Ksh 1 Trillion Pool.

Mr Cabinet Secretary, would this work?

Waithaka Ngigi
Chief Executive Officer | Alliance Technologies | MCK Nairobi Synod Building
T + 254 (0) 20 2333 471 |Office Mobile: +254 786 28 28 28 + 254 737 811 000