I'm surprised that you would launch a broad sided and unveiled attack on contributors perceived to be from the diaspora to this forum. Perhaps before you go around launching unrelated and unwarranted fires whose heat you might not be able to handle, you might want to come face to face with the hard fact that educated and legally present members of the diaspora do not engage in menial jobs, period. It is largely those who wilfully or unwillingly drop out as students and consequently fall out of legal status who happen to do so, a fact that ex-members of the diaspora such as the PS and others who are promoting or harnessing the enormous opportunities you reference could attest to.
It might surprise you to learn that what you're propagating as facts going so far as to claim you met the alleged contributors, are stereotypes and fallacies you have created in your imagination:
- Kenya currently is the greatest contributor of students from Africa to the US.
- Africans comprised the highest most likely group of immigrants to the US to have
  a degree. A fact slowly being recognised in media circles following the recent US elections :,0,4600669.story
That said, it would help if you named those you found in a dire situation so that they can be assisted by the responsible, free of anti-diaspora bias individuals we are supposed to be. 
Attacking the diaspora which is largely not represented on this forum has nothing to do with this thread and ongoing discussions no matter how controversial.
On Fri, Dec 5, 2008 at 10:00 AM, Victor Maloi <> wrote:
Dear All,
I have searched through the Kenya Gazzette Notice and found out that Brother Brian Longwe has never been appointed to any Board in Kenya.  It therefore in order for pests like John Maina alias Oketch, alias Alai and his side kick or are they brothers to apologize.

On the same note Bwana PS if you are listening, please ensure that the next Directorship opening in CCK goes to Brian.  He has done us proud.  I was in Texas the other day and was saddened to see our educated brothers and contributors to this forum doing menial jobs in the US when this country has created enormous opportunities in the past two years.  It is such a shame that we have our sons wasted that way.
Victor Maloi, MBS. 

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