I think this is as a result of failures in different aspects on Management. We don't have a country wide plan for infrastructure that governs roads, ducts, sewage and other general infrastructure. this coupled with all ministries and councils work in Silos then the end result is that network reliability is very poor due to service disruptionsand if each and every service provider lays their own cable with a view that if they can control it then they can do a better job. This also makes the price for connectivity to remain high as the operators strive to recover their costs

The national broadband policy is supposed to supply general guidance on such issues but I think it will be too late when it is implemented

On Mon, Apr 15, 2013 at 8:55 AM, Ali Hussein <ali@hussein.me.ke> wrote:

Am I naive in thinking that the Telco sector needs to come together and stop individual build out of fibre optic networks across the country?

We should be concerned because the normal Return on Investment principals suggest that for them to recoup the cost of this infrastructure the customer needs to pay for it? Is this a case for a Private Public Partnership?

Does the Information Ministry have an opinion on this?

Does TESPOK have an opinion on this?

Wasn't the government involved in this at some point? Or is my memory not serving me right?

I know these are many questions...Which need to be answered..


Ali Hussein

CEO, 3mice interactive media ltd

Partner, Telemedia Africa Ltd


Tel: +254713601113

Twitter: @AliHKassim

Skype: abu-jomo

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