We hope you are all well post POTUS visit.
Due to the the national activities last week, we were not able to post the last issue for discussion. Many of you had requested for a discussion on openness of the Internet and so we shall tackle that today. You are also welcome to contribute to all the other discussion threads from last week as we gear up for the face to face KeIGF . 

The idea of an open Internet is the idea that the full resources of the Internet and means to operate on it are easily accessible to all individuals and companies. This often includes ideas such as net neutrality, open standards, transparency, lack of Internet censorship, and low barriers to entry. We seek to answer questions like: how open is the Internet in Kenya? Is Freedom of Speech Online encouraged or it is suppressed? Are there examples of blocked websites in Kenya?  How easy is it to start an Internet business in Kenya?

Should Internet service provider (ISP)  be allowed to speed up, slow down or block lawful Web traffic from getting to where you, the customer, want it to go?

Should ISPs like Orange or Safaricom demand payment from content providers like Facebook or Google because these content providers reap huge profit from the infrastructure provided by ISPs?

What is the position of the regulator on net neutrality? What is the position of service providers in Kenya on net neutrality?

Over to you. 
Grace L.N. Mutung'u
Nairobi Kenya
Skype: gracebomu
Twitter: @Bomu
