Okay.......okay....Tandaa and beyond. My honest opinion from this flurry of
emails is the following:
1. We need to discuss more about local content
and define it within our
context. I think the piece Eric Aligula sent is a
good starting point and there
are similar ones. There have been many debates
around these issues, remember
less than a decade ago the debate was all about
we in Africa needing
access.....the key word was 'access'.
2. Then,
we started getting the 'access' we so desired, the debate moved to "access to
what?"....that is where the local content issues come in. Aligula's piece
defined it as Local content is the expression and communication of a
community's locally owned and adapted knowledge and experience that is
relevant to the community's situation. A great starting point but we do not
have to stick to that definition but we can refine it in our context and
maybe that is partially where the challenge lies.
2. The other issue I
can flesh out is the fact that there are many who are involved in
content development; and either they are not known or they have not
themselves known. Maybe we need to provide a platform for them to
what they are doing but within a defined definition.
and gentlemen, debate is healthy, but there are pertinent issues that are
out that some may deem 'noise' but my research nose smells the
beginning of a
great venture. Maybe we needed Tandaa to simply get us here.
Let us refocus.