This is IT for Change's new paper on "Breaking Up Big Tech: Separation of its Data, Cloud and Intelligence Layers"
Its main argument is that
traditional competition frameworks are inadequate to addressing
the rapidly building digital power concentration. These need to
be combined with perspectives from technology governance that
focus on structural separation of technology-functional layers (a
la net neutrality, but also more) to form a composite new
approach to digital regulation.
The paper presents a 'regulatory
ideal-type' for structural separation of four key functional
layers of digital value chains; data layer, cloud layer,
intelligence layer and consumer-facing intelligent services
Although building upon and tying
together many policy/ regulation initiatives already taking
place, for instance in the data layer, we understand that
presented as a holistic new regulatory approach to reining in
the power of Big Tech, this is a rather new, and somewhat
radical, departure, from existing thinking and approaches in
this area.
Comments are very welcome.