While looking at security from the large scale perspective, let's not forget the small scale - at a personal level: a) How much of my info is out there in Mpesa shops? We basically leave our ID No, phone number and signature all over the country. Where do those booklets go eventually? I've heard of stories of people getting calls from scammers with way too much info. Lately though I've realised agents don't record Mpesa customer names in their books. b) IDs retained while entering buildings - there were cases of people's IDs being used to register them to parties without their knowledge ahead of the 2013 election. c) Everyday in the matatu I'm amazed at how much info I can glean from people's phone screens, whether it's SMS messages, screen lock patterns, whatsapp chats, etc. One can basically follow through a conversation/thread on whatsapp especially in traffic d) Dumpster diving - remember this case <http://blackorwa.com/tag/dumpster-diving/>? On Thu, Jul 23, 2015 at 10:14 AM, Mwendwa Kivuva via kictanet < kictanet@lists.kictanet.or.ke> wrote:
This story made headlines internationally . http://mobile.nation.co.ke/news/Six-Nigerians-extradited-US-Internet-scams/-...
Six Nigerians extradited to US for alleged Internet scams. What are rhe extradition laws for crimes committed in Kenyan soil? Should we prosecute criminals who commit crimes within or should we extradite them to far away countries? Can criminals who commit crimes outside Kenya be extradited to Kenya?
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